One to One Workshop
Scottish Borders and North NorthumberlandOne to One Wildlife Workshops.
Cost £250 per day
The one to one wildlife workshop is in the Scottish Borders and North Northumberland. The workshops will be split between the fantastic coastal sites we have here and the upland moorland of the Lammermuir Hills in the Scottish Borders and are suitable for beginners and the more experienced wildlife photographer. We will discuss techniques on how to photograph wildlife out in the field
The workshop will cover exposure and depth of field techniques and white balance and show how to add greater variety to your images through the better understanding of the camera’s settings.
Prime lenses of 300mm to 600mm are ideal, zoom lenses are also good with a focal length of 300mm or more, a teleconverter can also be useful. Spare cards and batteries.
These areas are open to the elements and warm subdued and waterproof clothing should be brought with you. it is invariably windy on the coast and moorland.
The best time to visit these areas is April through to the end of August. We will see the great spectacle of the nesting seabird colonies on the coast, kittiwakes, razorbills, guillemots, fulmar. Peregrine falcon nest and patrol these sea cliffs. On the moorland, we will see ground nesting birds such as curlew, red grouse, wheatear, golden plover, along with brown hare, roe deer.
Cost – The cost of the One to One workshops is £250 for the day.
To book a workshop please send to me an email or telephone me on 01450 870044 office or 07962 401770 mobile.
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to secure the booking.
One to One workshop interest form
If you would like a print or use of any of the pictures on my site or would like to commission a piece of work please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to discuss your requirements